My First Time...


Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi.

I have this "My First Time..." thoughts around my head like randomly at times. 

Well you know just to make my PKPDB looks productive so here I am writing about "My First Time.." in my writing nest.

1. My first time flying (by the wings of aeroplane of course): 

It was in 2007, when I was 12 years old. I remember mama, bapa, Ayip and I. We went to KL at that time. My ears hurt so much because of the air pressure, (I dont know). I just knew I cried because of it LOL. My very first time on plane experience and went to KL. I remember how impressive KLCC was and how tall the buildings were like everywhere, there were buildings!. I got impressed of my cousin brought 3 bags to school like what?. My first time eating and know about Nasi Kerabu is blue? how weird was that hello?!!, also at that particular memory hahah. But, I love Nasi Kerabu now!

2. My first time having my own phone:

After SPM result was announced. 2013. Mama bought me one, it was Samsung and it waswhite. Can't remember the model but I remember it came with blue casing and no front camera. My SPM result wasn't that bravery to be bragged on but I don't know, I still got a phone as present. I remember mama passed the phone through Kak Tika and she passed me the phone like "tepi jalan" when we were on the way to KK for I need to babysit my niece at that time. I had no idea about having a phone like my own. Thank you mama. But, up until now, I only use used phones.  

Talking about phone, let's moving to the next one.

3. My first time using Iphone:

2018. Kak Tika gave me an Iphone 6s which I am using it until now!. Kak Tika bought me an Iphone and she gave it to me when I was in Klang while I was getting through my teaching practices- "Latihan Mengajar". Kak Tika came to visit and taraaaa nah an Iphone!. I really can't deny, Iphone is the best phone like please but so expensive so no thanks hahah. Thank you Kak Tika!. Apa lagi pegi sekolah cikgu-cikgu tegur "huish baru guru pelatih sudah pakai Iphone!" mampu sengih sengih saja padahal students lagi advance. Eeee terharunya ingat balik!.

4. My first time knowing how to pronounce "Island"

When I was in "darjah 5" on English class. My teacher devided sentences on to papers and one by one we(the students) need to read them. I got that part of "ISLAND" word in it, and I read it like "ice-land", my teacher corrected me right away and said "It's not ice-land" it's "I-land". I got embarrassed but you know, kids not really care. Hahahaha!. Hm that is very fresh in my mind until now hahaha.

5. My first time knowing how to spell "cucumber" correctly:

Be ready for some funny(read: embarrassing) story haha!. It happened on 2007. In English class, again. But this time with a different teacher. My teacher held this one group activity. She wanted every group to send one person to write down what she said. I mean, she will say a word, and group who can write it down on the black board correctly will get a point. It happened to be the word of "cucumber". We discussed about the correct spelling, so one of my friends in the group already spelled it right "c.u.c.u.m.b.e.r" and asked me to write it in front. You know what, at that time I had this silly ego that I felt  doubtful about my friend's answer so I didn't stick to what my friend said. So I wrote my own opinion(silly one but confident like OMG level), i wrote "q.u.q.u.m.b.e.r= Ququmber" proudly and was hoping I was right and my friend was actually wrong at that time. 

AGAIN, my teacher corrected my answer right away and wrote  the correct way to spell it and she said "why? you think by this spelling - c.u.c.u.m.b.e.r will turn out pronounced 'susumber' huh?". 

Since then, Zafirah, she'd learned her lesson. 

So, can you imagine how I face my group of friends after that?. HAHA!

That's all about my 5 first times... still got tons of memories about my frst time like knowing this thing is actually like that and when was my first time hearing such such words, when was my first time meeting someone strange, when was my first time knowing the meaning of new words in English and so many more. 

Just realising how silly and how irrational we can be at our first time, but remember without the first time we might never learn and be pro like we are now. So, appreciate your first time!

Now, tell me about your random first time, I'm just that curious hehe.

'till next post!


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