Not a Lovesick Girl, a Homesick Girl Instead.


Assalamualaikum wbt. 

It's my day 5 in PKPDB here in Tawau. 

Stuck With You by Ariana Grande ft Justin Bieber is my theme song for this PKPDB period LOL.

After submitting my eRPH why not stop by here to write something?.

I'm missing home so bad at the moment. I even got very emotional seeing Kak Tika's instastory updates. I listened to Mama voice and I was literally burst into tears right away. 

I miss Mama, kids, kakak-kakak abang adik, home and that leads to missing Bapa too.

Ya Allah, please make this feeling stronger so that I can remember to always be grateful and never take small things and time for granted.

For at least, I still have family to be missed and I know I always have my family to lean on anytime I'm in need. That means I got reasons to stay sane and to keep fighting to do well in life..physically, mentally and spiritually.



sakinah jun said…
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sakinah jun said…
Stay strong and stay safe kakila!

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