I survived the "No BTS and Kpop Stuff Challenge" for a week!


Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi!

PKPDB really made me do this. 

I’m a BTS stan. I listen to Kpop songs alot. When I said Kpop, either it’ll be Blackpink or it must be Twice or the legend BigBang ok sometimes Itzy and TXT okbai.  Oh I love IU too #WhyIamLikeThis? Kdrama?, gosh don’t mention it 그만해! ✋ 

Ya tahu baru seminggu elleh apa lah sangat. Tapi, keahuilah ini adalah perjuangan tau bagi orang yang minat BTS dan sepupu-sepupu Kpop yang lain. Gila betul bunyi nya kan?.

This challenge was made by myself when I hitted the level of guiltiness that I felt I had enough with this entertainment.

Tahap ke-kpop-an aku ni aku anggap masih belum kritikal sebenarnya. Mungkinlah. Tapi, ish kita boleh tahu diri kita sendiri kan bila kita rasa macam penatnya. Penatnya buat perkara yang sia-sia haha! But, seriously. There's one time I felt like so tired of lying to myself. I kept on saying "it's okay alaah BTS makes you happy so what's problem with that?" "Kpop musics make your life feel better, don't deny that", "You still know your priorities lah, and you managed to do well in your life see?" and there are so many voices of myself to sugarcoat the truth that this is actually not right and  deep inside I knew and  I realised that I wasted so much of my time for something that gives me tiny bit sprinkle of benefits only. Rasa rugi lah, I invested so much time on something I like but what did I get back was not that worthy :(

So, I did a step back and thought that I need to do something to help myself and there was the idea of  "No BTS and KPOP stuff Challenge" popped up. I did it. And I survived!.

Here are some actions I did to fight this challenge:

Punyalah nekad sampai aku mute instagram BTS supaya tidak keluar di feeds. 

Lepastu, kalau nampak orang share pasal BTS memes or anything that relates to kpop I'll just scroll laju-laju supaya video or memes tu tidak sempat play dan supaya aku tidak sempat baca. Even if my friends using kpop songs as BGM on their instastories I'll just tap laju-laju supaya tidak sempat dengar haha.

I deleted my BTS playlist in my phone and at my youtube. Even when I visit my blog I'll mute my laptop speaker so that I cannot listen to my blog's song which is Promise by Jimin of BTS. Hm. I love Jimin eh tiber zafirah ok tidak tu? Haha.

I hold myself from watching behind the scenes of BTS in The Soop ep. 8 hahah.

I blocked eveything about KPOP especially BTS from my social media. I left behind okay to know that BTS won top Social Artists for four years in a row!.

I'm proud to say this that my ears were clean from KPOP songs for 7 days which it was feelinh so goooood!

It was not easy at first. I even had dreams about BTS directly two nights in a row in my sleep! Hahaha sampai macam tu punya penangan rindu gilo apo?!

Aku layan BTS ni bukan lagu-lagu diaorang saja tau, reality shows diorang pun aku tengok. Bayangkan since PKPDB ni mula, aku sudah tengok BTS Run dari episod 7-70! Bayangkan banyak mana masa aku sisakan hanya untuk BTS stuff :’) tu lah boleh sampai satu masa OK ZAFIRAH LET’S HAVE A BREAK, YOU HAD TOO MUCH!.

What did I do to distract myself from the desire to be hyped up with kpop and stuff?

- I was (and in shaa Allah will continue) focusing on my reading. So far I’m more than half of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. I read Syamail Muhammadiyah too which one of my favourites!.

- I was busying myself with school stuff and to be honest, I was being so organised because got lots of times to do little stuff and all.

Those didn’t seem alot of effort, indeed! It can be done! 

Alhamdulillah with this challenge, I did self reflections alot!. I don’t know how to tell but, seriously avoiding myself from kpop for a week is just like the moment I did my very best in living my life meaningfully. I love it that way and hoping for better life and better me after this.

The reality is, I’m here struggling and trying to control myself so that I don’t cross the line. While BTS just breathing fine there in South Korea. LOL.

Keep only the good things okay?.

#BangtanBorahae 💜


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