
Showing posts from February, 2022

Sorry, I Tested Positive for Covid-19 :(

Assalamualaikum wbt, hi everyone. *Spraying sanitizer around the blog, so you don't get infected. * Yes, my darling. Corona virus is partying in my body right now. So annoying to be honest.  I was first got the symptoms on Friday (04 Feb 2022), I got fever, uncomfortable tonsil, sprinkles of flu and not feeling well. I didn't expect that (like who ever expected they got Corona in their body?), I was just living and having blast with my life as usual. Non of Corona thoughts at all. Not until Saturday (05 Feb 2022), my sister who also got the symptoms, made a move to do the RTK Test (Saliva test), and it came out with double lines which means, yes you are Positive for Covid19 gurl! Kak Tika asked me to do it too, and yup, two lines appeared, for your surprise huh? I was panicked, I was worried and I was blurred.  Kak Tika and I rushed to the hospital to get our PCR test (swab test), and you know why?, So that we can get the formal quarantine letter to inform our school about the