
Showing posts from September, 2023

Level 2 #ZafirahwithYoukm

Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi everyone!. As a memory keeper, I definitely will not let this one slip from writing it on my blog which I can't wait to read this again like years and years ahead. It feels like the time is flying slow right but, I'm just gonna live it to the fullest the best as I can. So let me note this precious memories of me facing my 2nd semester of my master journey in UKM. Oh well, I found my official hashtag now for this journey which is #ZafirahWithYoukm haha!. The journey started on 25th August 2023 (Friday)- 03 September 2023 (Sunday) Yep, exactly on school holiday.  Hari Jumaat yang hening itu masih pegi sekolah macam biasa di hantar adikku Ayip. Sebab balik sekolah mahu direct ke airport dihantar pula oleh my sister, Kak Ija. And oh, it was my first experience flying with MyAirline :)) Touched down saja KLIA2, benda pertama saya buat selepas bersyukur penerbangan selamat ialah, melunaskan craving makan Auntie Anne's pretzels. Imagine, ini lagi belum buka

What to react...

  Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi. Welcome to my life drama ladies and gentlement. Haha! My ex is married. Haha. What actually to react over this news?.  Honestly, I have mixed feelings of happy, confused, sad, regret and bitter. But on top of that, I am so happy and relief. He found his soulmate and I can't be more happier to see someone I ever known happy. He surely cut me off and I totally understand that. I hope it's okay to feel little bit sad and bitter since I am only human. But tears over someone's cheers is not how it should be. And I am not here writing this post to mourn my heart out. It's just.. It's honestly triggered my loneliness :') Maybe it'll less pain when I am with someone now.  Maybe I'll not care much when I have someone in my heart now.  Maybe I'll be 100% happy when I am firmed and  healed from my previous relationship... now. How actually to react when you just knew your ex is married already?.  Soal maaf dan berdamai dengan takdir,

Level 2 in Tawau!

Assalamualaikum wbt and hi earthlings! Post ini sebenarnya sudah terperam lama dalam draft. Gambar semua sudah upload siap-siap sampai aku lupa sudah apa gambar yang ada dalam entri ini haha. Marilah menjenguk memori saya bersama Tawau di level 2 (tahun kedua) iaitu di tahun 2022 :) First of, makan sendiri. Biasa sangat, tidak hairan sebab memang sejenis boleh makan sorang-sorang sebab yakin orang Tawau bukan kenal aku pun lol. Btw, this Durian Fromage Cake from Secret Recipe is the bomb!. Pencinta durian seperti aku memang akan suka kek ini. Aku ingat Wawa yang bagi tahu kewujudan kek ini teramatlah sedap. Terima kasih ya Allah kerana menciptakan durian insan kerdil sepertiku ini dapat menikmatinya dengan penuh kesyukuran :') Sahabat YADIM UPSI bersatu. I miss Nana. Arasy lelaki jadi tidak boleh rindu haha. Semua di atas ini adalah cikgu ya dan keluaran Universiti Pendidikan No.1 di Malaysia iaitu UPSi #doneClaim haha. Bangga betul aku jadi pelajar UPSI ser