On that one sorrow night.

Assalamualaikum wbt. 

Past few weeks I've been over thinking things which made me so tired mentally and emotionally.

I felt useless, felt uneasy, felt slow, felt incompetent, felt like people hate and talk bad about me and seriously, I felt like sh*t. I even envy people by just sitting happily eating lunch with their friends! Astaghfirullah T_T

I felt like, life is so hard. I cried.
I was not happy. 

There where I rechecked and scanned through what was wrong with me. And, it's definitely the answer. As I believe, if life feels hard and whenever I feel not happy and whining over life... it's always for one this reason,  I kept my disctance from Al Quran and too little in remembering Allah all this while. 

So in that sorrowful night, I opened my Quran and read a page where my bookmark was marked on. I read the translation then....

I googled translate my tafseer, and literally I cried after.

I remember, the sorrow night was shifted to something feels so good and right just in a second then, my hard feelings and burden were lifted. Only Allah can unlock me from darkness and hardship.

Allah owns my heart and HE knows I need this as reminder.

Allah loves me, and HE is always be there for me to rely on and to pour my prayers on.
I am not alone. Allah ada.



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