My Best Girl is Married!

 Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi!

Have I told you that I have a best friend named Nurul?.

I think I've wrote her name somewhere in my blog. Oh well, she's one of my Tawau besties and wallahi I love her so much!

Tawau is so close to my heart, it feels like another home after Kota Belud. Since the first day I stepped in, I knew Tawau will take a huge part of my life and I'm not wrong when I got to know Nurul as one of the precious people I met there.

Since 2020, from the small talk of "I saw your name on the list and get to know that you're just a year older than me and I think we're the most junior in thist school". From that moment, I remember I have a thought about how I wanted to be her friend since we're quite "sebaya" so mesti boleh get along well.

But, that's not the very point of how we're getting close. It's actually when we were on duty for SPM at SMK Pasir Putih, Tawau early on 2021 if I'm not mistaken. We were both the only teachers from our school to fulfil our duty there. And you know that when you're in the situation of "we only have each other so we need to sticktogether to survive!" haha. So, from that particular reason we are close up until now alhamdulillah!

We started to share hobbies, open  up about ourselves, started sharing emotions about our days in school, sharing food and we started to have meals as "ritual" after meeting haha! and oh we share about our love life, broken hearted like basically, everything haha!

One of the greatest news I got this year was "Nurul is getting married" somewhere in March before hari raya. Nurul told me and I remember I booked flight ticket to Tawau so fast right after so I don't miss the biggest moment in Nurul's life!. I wanted to witness the day of Nurul's weddng!.

Nurul's official invitation to her wedding teared me up. I was so happy for her and still is!

Alhamdulillah, on May 26th 2024 I made it to her wedding and witnessed every magic in her big day!

I was so glad to be the earliest to be there and be with Nurul the whole day!

One with Nurul's dad and uncle ft. SMKT squad, Cikgu Ramle, Cikgu Masudi and Tuan Haji on Nurul & Anuar's pelamin yang magestic!

Look! Zafirah with her SMKTT bestie, my love beautiful bride of the year, Nurul!

Hah just gonna keep it here. Biar banyak gambar berulang, biaaar! hahaa

Aaaaaa and this with my SMK Titingan, Tawau sweet hearts!
They are the ones who made my Tawau journey spectacular and passionate over my job.
They are truly inspirations. Seriously!.

With kakak-kaka AKP yang sangat saya kasihi di SMKTT.
They are so kind! Allahu, never failed to make me feel like home everytime.

The pic's taken by the bride. I totally been there from sunrise until dark because will never know when see Nurul and SMKTT again.

To be honest, my favourite picture of all!
Effect tudung terbang tu bukankan lebih menambah dramatik dalam gambar? haha.

And last but not least, I love Nurul!

Credits to Nurul's photpgrapher. The pics will be cherished and treassured forever!

Selamat pengantin baharu Nurul dan suami!. Thank you for inviting me and letting me know early months before for that made me feel important in your life. I feel so touched wallahi. May happiness, sakinah, mawaddah, barokah wa rahmah will always be with you two and your family. Please know that I'm always here and got your back as always. I love you so much Nurul. Be my friend until jannah, okay?.

Thank you to Nurul's family too for the kindness and loves!
Thank you SMKTT, you guys rock!
Thank you Tawau, my forever favourite!.

Til then, see you in my next post :)


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