It's okay to have no boyfriend.

I want to settle down my BBM for my teaching tomorrow. If you wonder what is BBM is, it's Bahan Bantu Mengajar. So clear with that. 

Back to the topic above.

That's a phrase to comfort me or maybe anyone who is forever alone just like what I am feeling right now?.

I don't have boyfriend and never know how it feels to have a boyfriend.

I always wonder how it feels to have boyfriend and I always imagine how cool and awesome is that to have a boyfriend who always be there and care for you. You always have someone to lay on everything you have in mind, to have someone to talk about your day and to have someone to text when you are bored.

I happen to always imagine to be in relationship is all about sweet and your heart feel full with happiness and satisfiying. I don;t know, I just imagine that.

How lucky and awesome you are to have a boyfriend while how sad I am to do not have any since forever. How sad it sounds? hahah.

So, that is just what I want to express in this writing. 

I told my cousins and brother about I think I need a boyfriend. They laughed. Well yeah. How  desperate I am sounded like.

Until then, I still don't have a boyfriend (at least so far, I hope later I will find someone who wants me to be his girlfriend or someone who read this, maybe? kikiki.).

It is funny feeling. And this feeling is actually blinded me about how many people around me that is actually can give me more than what a boyfriend can give.

Family, good friends and my dear students!.

I can get attention I need. Always.

I have sisters, brothers, mom, cousins, makcik pakcik and friends to express everything, to care and to love!

SO, it's just okay to be not have boyfriend (even your students are far more advance than you hahaha kemain kan kamu berani berani nya in bf/gf relationship! ustazah perhati jeee di instagram tu *roll eyes *).

I am just like this, to be in such such relationship is just not my priority. I know that. As long as I have something to be responsible to, so such relationship is not matter yet. So, it's totally okay.

How about crush?

I have crushes on so many guys hahahah and again, crush never meant to be liked us back. So why bother? hahaha.

To have a (or more) crush(es) is just the way to syok sendiri. And i can't deny, it is fun! hahaha.
Well hello, I stalk Syed Saddiq socmed almost everyday. I can smile as if Syed Saddiq is smiling only for me on his instagram bhahahaha. It's always fun to cure your so-called loneliness =P SO go find your celebrityor famous people to be crush on!

Tapi, crush on someone with zero expectation and "sedar diri" lah justeru nanti tidaklah menonggeng kecewa. I repeat: crush never meant to be liked us back. So why bother? hahaha. Berpada-pada dan berwaspada lah.

I'd been crushing on this one guy OMG if you know how struggle I was when searching for his social media just to stalk and to makesure he's single sampai facebook parents dia I stalk kemahennnn hahahaha. Siap cakap dalam hati "he's the one" ni, tapi punah juga akhirnya bila macam kita ada perasaan tepuk sebelah tangan. So I just step back and move on from the feeling. Sudah lah orang follow instagram dia tapi dia tidak follow back pun. Bajet artis sangat *roll eyes*.

Moving on dari crush pun takes time ini kan pula bila putus cinta betul-betu cehh. Sebab tu lah, berpada-pada dan berwaspada

Ok sudah! Jom cari crush baru hahaha.

"till next post!


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