Diari Latihan Mengajar Zafirah: 3 Weeks before LM ends!.

Assalamualaikum and hi!

It's my very 14th over 16 weeks of teaching practice!

Ya ya ya tell me how times fly but yeah I really in denial how can I be this strong?, I mean how can WE be this strong?.

Almost 4 months without family by our side. 4 Months to adapt with this reality. 4 months to fall in love with school and the students!. HOW CAN YOU REALLY DID THIS ZAFIRAH??!

Funny, why I ask?. It's me who is facing this. Why am I asking myself?. Because I really can't believe this. 

I remember how I cried almost everyday early on my practicum journey. I wrote about it on my previous posts and that was really me back then. 

Now, look. Zafirah is really on her ending of the journey. Alhamdulilah, all praises only for Allah and I never can reach this if Allah does not allow me to be here T_T.

I am in dilemma. I am so happy to end this LM journey but deep inside I love everything about SEBUKTI so much then how to leave everything that I love?.

The teachers, the students, makcik guards, makcik canteen, makcik pembersihan,  kakak office, the buildings oh everything!.

4 months and memories are created just perfectly and I am pretty sure it'll take me forever to move on from all these memories.

Will be missing you SEBUKTI. I will remember you always and In shaa Allah, I will tell everyone you are taking huge part of my steps before being who I am in future.

Thank you SEBUKTI.

'Till next post!


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