Level 3 of #ZafirahwithYouKM

 Bissmillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum wbt, hi people!

Saya sedang berada di semester 3 dalam perjalanan pengajian master saya. Ehem. Setahun berlalu, dan lagi setahun untuk mengakhiri semua ini. I can't wait to finish strong this lepastu mahu sambung study abroad! eh tiber cita-cita tinggi padahal assignments tidak usik langsung lagi ni eip!

Kelas pertama untuk semester 3 saya dibuat secara dalam talian dan ini perkara biasa. Tiada yang istimewa soal itu. Pensyarah mengajar semester ini, 2 orang sahaja tapi cover untuk 4 kursus. Ada 2 kursus mega untuk diselesaikan, iaitu penulisan kertas projek dan kertas konsep yang perlu diterbitkan. I'm so scared, masa saya untuk menyiapkan semuanya tidak banyak lagi. Saya perlu segera mengakhiri tempoh bertenang dan bersenang-lenang, sekarang! (ok ok lepas habis tulis entry ini kekeke)

Kelas semester 3 pertemuan pertama bermula pada 25 Februari - 3 March 2024 (Ahad-Ahad),  a nice complete week. Tapi hujung-hujung tu mostly lecturer bagi siapkan tugasan sahaja.

Zelfies masa kelas iz a muzt.

Semester 3 ini, 25 Feb - 31 Mac kelas aku buat di KK di rumah kakakku sebab kalau buat kelas di kampung, stress memanjang sebab internet connection tidak memberi kerjasama yang padu, so keputusannya buat kelas di KK dan set up meja study di bilik Kak Ija untuk attend online class peacefully tanpa gangguan internet, alhamdulillah. Meja study semua pinjam meja study anak buahku, sebab kelas aku dibuat masa cuti sekolah, so fungsi meja belajar itu diguna pakai oleh aku lah yang "sekolah" masa cuti sekolah.

Set up mejaku.

1-3 March, kelas aku start buat di KL. Di rumah Yanie dan Kak En sebab aku mahu datang kenduri kahwin Syamira my colleague bestie on 2nd March 2024. I am so happy for her!. 

My study area by Yanie and Kak En.

Yanie and Kak En. They were too kind to offer me a stay at their home, and not only that they "feed" me with good food and prepared a room just for me to do my online classes. How big their heart can be?. Since I was in my degree era, I remember these two faces here were also there for this kind of purpose, Aaaa getting emotional. I indeed owe them the whole world for their kindness and beautiful hearts. Thank you so much Yanie and Kak En!

The night after a whole day long class, it was Syamira's wedding. Syamira cantik sangat malam tu. Loves!

"Angkut" my other bestie, Alin to be there too. So, no awkward moments and all. She even helped me to record my transitions videos #womensupportwomen haha

These love birds! Barakallah Syamira and husband!

Since 1-3 Mac tu, kelas aku sehari sahaja yang dibuat depan kamera, the rest lecturer start sudah bagi tugasan untuk disiapkan dalam tempoh itu. I swear, assignments aku banyak, masa aku menaip ni aku rasa bersalah sebab banyak sangat assignments aku tiada progress yang positif untuk siap dalam masa terdekat padahal around 25 May 2024 pertemuan kedua start sudah hm! #silainsaf

Oh well, the writings must be go on. Memandangkan cuti sekolah agak panjang, dan aku masih mempunyai seminggu baki cuti sekolah jadi satu perancangan untuk mengembara ke Kelantan menaiki keretapi tidur (sleeper trains) bersama Alin the bestie telah dibuat lebih awal. Justeru, alkisahnya sambil menyelam sambil meneguk jugalah aku kesempatan untuk merayap sekitar tanah semenanjung Malaysia.  

In shaa Allah, gotta record the story in this blog too (soon or after I finished my studies haha!)

Bersama itu, dengan beradanya aku di Tanah Melayu pada masa itu, menjadi satu peluang keemasan untuk pergi ke UKM, Bangi bagi melunaskan kerinduanku terhadap suasana kampus. Aku mahu menjejak perpustakaan UKM yang gah seperti namanya, Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang (PTSL) itu.

Alhamdulillah, at this point Alin trusted me (while I was full of doubt of myself uwaaa!) to just drive her car there while she goes to work. Alin so supportive like, just voice out my curiosity and any favour she'll be like, ok let's go!. Best kan ada kawan macam Alin? *emo dalam kesyukuran *

My first driving experience to UKM :')))

Masa ni rasa macam mahu call lecturer untuk tanya, "Helo Dr. boleh saya berjumpa dengan Dr.?, saya depan Fakulti ni." Tapi mestilah tidak, kerana saya risau mengganggu, lagi pula pelajar-pelajar degree belum masuk kampus lagi masa ni. So, it's okay lah, next time!.

And taraa~ Zafirah was here in PTSL yallsss!

Mandatory gambar sedang study muahaha

And oh, I met my childhood friend, Along!and that was one of the best moment I could say!. I love Tealive and Along is also working there, in Pusanika UKM. 
Along Mahathir. One of the Alongs I have in my life, and he's one of the best!


Along ajak makan di kedai Mi Tarik yang istimewa ini. Untunglaaaah dak dak UKM ni makanan murah-murah tapi special!

Some of my fellow friends might be saying, hek elleh UKM saja pun. haha, but please understand I'm no way near to KL to start with, so memang Sabahan senang teruja dengan semua benda yang ada di KL. Fly over bertingkat-tingkat pun aku sangat mengaguminya dalam keterujaan tau haha #sorryzafirah.

See mirror selfie di toilet Pusanika pun boleh ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan.

I have this super random experience while I was going to PTSL after saying goodbye to Along. Since PUSANIKA and PTSL is just like in neighbour buildings, so I did't have to walk far actually, BUT the randomness and cute thing happened when this young girl offered me a motorcycle ride with her to the PTSL entrance because she heard me and Along talking that I'm about going there. Haha!. I was shocked first but wasn't refuse too because I feel like, I want to have that experience to be on a ride in UKM, it's a rare thing! haha. 

This little soft soul here is a STPM student at that time, and she was heading home at that time and I asked her of course for a selfie but too bad didn't ask for a phone number? *sigh Whoever your name and wherever you are now beautiful, I pray for your success and I hope we can see each other, anytime. In shaa Allah. Thank you for bringing me the rarest experience in UKM with the random and cute motorcycle ride haha!.

Not only PTSL, 3rd semester brought me to explore UMS Library for the first time. I was so nervous because I'm not UMS student. But, after asking few of my friends and family about the procedures for public to use the library, it was not hard at all.

And I'm kinda happy to tell the security guard on the entrance gate that I'm a student too when he asked what purpose I'm in and which uni I'm from?. 
To make some refereces in the library and UKM, I answered. Humble but deeply so proud inside.

*stares at my student card. There's something about UKM my heart says.

Here is me in the little corner of my main purpose to be here. Alhamdulillah. 
Not much but, it's there.

I need kitab-kitab tafseer references which I found it hard get it in any local library here in Sabah plus, I really love campus environment. It makes me feel the students vibe's burning in my bone everytime. Fuh.
Another mandatory pose of "to-make-my-mom-trust-her-daughter-is-focus-studying" selfie.

So, that's it for the opening story of my Level 3 journey in #PrayforMasterSifuZafirah and #ZafirahwithYoukm. I really really enjoy writing this and really really excited to react over this post in future!

In shaa Allah, semoga Zafirah dapat habiskan pengajian master-nya dengan cemerlang tahun ini dan grad on time penuh bergaya pada 2025 nanti, AMIIIN!.

Thank you for reading earthlings!



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