Golden Old Days.

 Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi.

I remember how we all connected through internet by various type of social media back then.

As for me, my childhood obviously all about playing outside, main masak masak-masak, buat cookies guna bancuhan lumpur dan tanah sehingga mencapai consistency yang diingini lalu dibakar secara alami menggunakan oven terik matahari, main jual-jual, buat air guna tanah kononnya air milo, cabut bunga mama tanam belakang rumah untuk dibuat sebagai toppings, lepastu minum sikit sebab curious.. eik?, panjat pokok mangga, terjatuh sampai kaki kena simen hahaha! brutal sungguh ya zaman kanak-kanakku.

Meningkat remaja sikit, mama buatkan akaun Friendster. Tulis email dan password atas kertas dan itulah pertama kali aku mengenali social media (yang masa tu tidak tahu pun itu adalah medium yang dinamakan social media). I was thirteen, and hype gila Friendster masa tu siap follow-follow account kawan-kawan, tinggalkan komen di profile memasing, lepastu reply-reply komen dengan strangers hahaha!

Kegigihan tukar-tukar layout profile bagi cantik, lepastu check profile random Friendster users untuk mendapatkan inspiration hias profile sendiri. Stalk profile crush adududuhh hahaha, pasang lagu, buat effect snowy-snowy dan semua edit-an ini diajar oleh Kak Tika. She showed me how to change this and that, tambah itu dan ini.

So, before I forget I'd better write about the image I stock in my head about how was my friendster looked like back then.

The layout (the background): It was Detective Conan background to start with and it was like dark blue theme. Then, I chaged it to pink but still Detective Conan's theme. It was so cute. truly. I am a fan of Detective Conan, dulu ada keluar di TV3 setiap hari Sabtu pukul 11:30am kot macam tu. 

The music background that ever played in my Friendster profile: 

  • First song on my Friendster was Kau dan Aku by Aizat Amdan
  • Suara (Ku Berharap) by Hijau Daun (kemain, suka orang, orang tu suka orang lain ketteww? :')
  • Aku Bukan Boneka by Rinni (Ish! why this song alamaaak hahahahah!)

Aku ingat sangat masa tu icon untuk pasang lagu dalam profile adalah robot yang button play, pause semua di badan robot tu.

Suka singgah profile orang lain untuk dengar lagu-lagu yang dorang pilih. Aaaaaa such a memory!

Dulu gigihlah edit profile depan laptop dengan broadband nya yang maashaAllah, kesabaran tahap apa tah yang kami miliki masa tu. Tiada wifi di rumah lagi masa tu. Lepastu, pegi Cyber Cafe semata-mata mahu update profile lololololol! Masa tu nampak PC sebelah pun tengah gigih edit profile Friendster memasing haha! We were at the same boat, mestilah gigih hahaha.

Lagi, cuti sekolah paling dinanti untuk tengok ada tidak stranger tinggalkan komen lepastu hati berbunga hahahahah! helpppp! 

Masuk 2009, Friendster slowly faded away sebab kena over shadow oleh Facebook pula. Hah di sini laaaagi meriah dengan kawan-kawan sekolah. Asal cuti sekolah kalau ada ambil gambar kah apa mesti cakap "jangan lupa tag!" "tag aku! tag ! tag!", "jangan lupa add aku di Facebook!",

 Ingat lagi komen meriah, tag kata-kata friendship ke semua kawan-kawan sekolah tanpa mengira kenal atau tidak lepastu berbalas komen tapi jumpa di sekolah bertegur pun tidak (ini more to lelaki dan perempuan yah), memang meriah!. Notification box penuh dengan tags, posts, gambar yang raw tanpa filter, lighting dan tanpa mementingkan kualiti gambar :')

And, you accept all friend requests you got even you don't know them. Like seriously?. Dulu-dulu memang tiada trust issues kah macam mana? haha!

Balik dari cuti sekolah pula, hah habis cerita semua pasal Faaaaceboooook saja, ulas post dan komen sepanjang cuti mhahaha.

Sekarang Friendster tiada sudah. Gambar-gambar selfie yang di upload masa tu rasa paling comel lah tu sampai yakin upload haha, semua tidak lagi ter-access. Facebook saja yang bertahan. Itu pun, tidak macam dulu. Sekarang facebook banyak informasi dan boleh tahu update life kawan-kawan melalui apa yang lalu di newsfeed.  Berita-berita viral semua boleh dapat dari Facebook dan pelbagai media sosial yang lain. Pantas dan tangkas netizen buat kerja.

Mujur blogger masih ada juga, yey boleh simpan memori dengan detail di sini.

Itu zaman kita. Sekarang lain. Berilah laluan kepada anak-anak muda untuk menikmati golden days mereka sekarang macam kita menikmati golden old days kita dulu :')

Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and video editing with flashing-bouncing-wishing effects plus the techno-remix-songs whatever. As long as you (young generations) using them wisely to express your talent dengan bermaruah, that's fine. Sis support you. But, kalau sudah gelek-gelek tu oh come on Tiktok no more like dulu-dulu, so wake up! Please make useful contents only okay?!

As for me, yang menghampiri 30 series ini:

I quit instagram for quite sometime now, so that is why I get my blog updated for awhile yey!

It's not my first time to feel it's a necessary to take a break from social media, even if you stop and decided to not get involved with it anymore, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine.

I quit twitter before, it was around end of 2019 where I thought that was the peak of my BTS Army-ness lol. I can scroll down BTS twitter and get notified everything they've posted. I was too crazy and so into BTS at that time (and still is but it's managable hihi). So, I just want to stop being that way, so I moved on by quitting twitter. It's not just because of BTS, it's me who cannot stand negativity on twitter and got so much time burnt stalking my crush mhahaha!. They did no wrong, it's just me who's so hard to manage my priority so, I dropped twitter and instagram for way more prior things in my life.

- Work.

- Family.

- Friends.

- My students.

- Reading and gaining knowledge.

- Self Love.

- Things that sparks my joy.

- Hobbies (including playing Toon Blast and watching KDramas mihmih)

- Learn how to cook.

- Weight loss mission (ehem).


- Loving someone. eh? 

It's tiring to keep on updating social media tbh. At least, for me. So, I quit. 

It's not I am saying social media is bad, instagram is bad, twitter is bad. No.

It's just me. Please don't get me wrong. The problem is with me, and let it be mine and not yours. Let me fix my problem with my own solutions and you do yours (about social media management).

There is so much we can get from social media, depending on how we mold our social media algorithms. It's all on us. You decide and you do you.

So, that's all.

Thank you for reading and talk soon!


Dayang said…
Nasib ada Blog, so I can track you! 😜

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