Diari Latihan Mengajar Zafirah: Minggu 2 & 3
Assalamualaikum dan hai. Blog ini dikemas kini akhirnya. Itu pun pasal LM updates seorang Ustazah Zafirah dalam perjalanan. Minggu 2 dan 3 sahaja. Minggu-minggu seterusnya aku berhenti menulis catatan. Hm tidak istiqomah sungguh. But, In shaa Allah i'll write more updates about my LM journey. Almost there to end this. 7 weeks to go before the LM ends. So here's it. 2 nd Week of #DiariLatihanMengajarZafirah 09-13 Julai 2018. I didn’t write for my daily writings for this 2 nd week. But all I can say, I am awesomely feeling better Alhamdulilah. Funny thing happened in week two: Double check your nametag, makesure its not happened to be pinned upside down. Hahaha, because I did hahaha lucky I am still at Surau and a teacher told me about my upside down name tag. So, just double check at the mirror, to be safe take selfie and it also could help 😊 2 nd week also was exciting because Kak Ija and Kak Tika will be around KL at weekends yay! So, th...