Diari Latihan Mengajar Zafirah: Minggu 2 & 3

Assalamualaikum dan hai.
Blog ini dikemas kini akhirnya. Itu pun pasal LM updates seorang Ustazah Zafirah dalam perjalanan.

Minggu 2 dan 3 sahaja. Minggu-minggu seterusnya aku berhenti menulis catatan. Hm tidak istiqomah sungguh. But, In shaa Allah i'll write more updates about my LM journey. Almost there to end this. 7 weeks to go before the LM ends. So here's it.

2nd Week of #DiariLatihanMengajarZafirah

09-13 Julai 2018.
I didn’t write for my daily writings for this 2nd week.
But all I can say, I am awesomely feeling better Alhamdulilah.

Funny thing happened in week two:
Double check your nametag, makesure its not happened to be pinned upside down. Hahaha, because I did hahaha lucky I am still at Surau and a teacher told me about my upside down name tag. So, just double check at the mirror, to be safe take selfie and it also could help 😊

2nd week also was exciting because Kak Ija and Kak Tika will be around KL at weekends yay!

So, they were coming for other purposes but the only I had in mind, I need to see them and pour everything to them. Missing home is another problem that cannot be solved. The only thing you can do is, just nothing. So, if the family is here, I need them to bring home along!. So, 2nd week with better feeling of Teaching Practices was just amazing with the weekends with sisters!

Students do also started to ask my Instagram’s user name. I was so in dilemma should I tell them or not. I didn’t of course.

But, back from school.
“10 follower requests hitted my notification ”, kids, seriously?
Another dilemma should I confirm their following requests or should I not?

Oh, yes almost forgot about my(our) lecturer came to school for lawatan sosial. Dr. Marzuqi came and Sarah and I were nervous like heck. Hahaha padahal lawatan social tidak observe untuk markah pun. Lawatan social untuk lecturer kenal-kenal dengan sekolah, jumpa dengan pengetua dan guru pembimbing. Told Dr Marzuqi about how was days so far. Told him about temporary place I am living and told him also how lucky that my rumah sewa is just behind the school!.

So, that’s it for the highlight for 2nd week of Diari Latihan Mengajar Zafirah.
And I am so into this hashtag : #ustazafirahoftheday
Really hoping for the better and better weeks ahead!

3rd week of Diari Latihan Mengajar Zafirah: Observed by Guru Pembimbing.

16 – 20 Julai 2018

Still obviously not committed in making this daily writing about my day in a week. Faktor balik sekolah terus membuta mungkin lepastu bangun subuh subuh buat RPH dan settle-kan BBM. My routine still not showing a good practical teacher tau. Hmm need to fix here and there.

Ya, highlight minggu 3 adalah kena observed oleh guru pembimbing. Malam tu kemain berahabisan tenaga dan kekuatan mental untuk siapkan BBM dan sempurnakan RPH. Alhamdulillah, I did it and settle observe pertama oleh guru pembimbing yay!.

Kelas relief pun makin banyak. Which its my least fav actually eventhoug boleh ja bagi anak-anak murid buat kerja sendiri. Mostly I will ask either they have homework to do or not?, if they do then I ask them to settle the homework up. If they don’t, I’d standby couple of activities to do for them. But day by day, I’m lacking my ideas on what to do in relief classes. So, I’ll just stand and ask them to do their own activites. The clock ticking and I really hope it’s ticking fast because relief classes are just not that fun for me unless I have any idea to do activity with the kids.

So many types of kids at school. I still try to adapt.
Not all student will like us(which this is really I don’t want because I love each and everyone of you kids, why you don’t like teacher?), well yeah human can read the face. Sorry for not interesting enough to get myself into your circle anak-anak. I really am sorry!

Still learning. Still learning and still learning.

Please, better ustazafirah will be shown up in couple of weeks ahead in shaa Allah!

I stopped writing my weakly highlights of my LM journey. I just don't know why. I will miss everything about LM. I am in my 10th week of teaching practice. Only in the blinks, I really almost there to end this LM journey. I hope I can create more beautiful and sweet memories with my students and entire SEBUKTI.

In shaa Allah, till next post!

With love,
Zafirah Ripin.


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