What Dads Do

Assalamualaikum and hi!

This already drafted years before. I remember I am not so strong posting this at that time. But, I am healing now and I know, I always missing this one love every single breathe I am taking. 

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this poem. So I put the details down below as the reference.

(In my draft since: Friday, 31 July 2015.)

What Dads Do

This poem lists things that a dad can do.

What Dads Do
Make bookshelves.
Make burgers.
Make money.
Make funny faces that make you laugh.
Scratch your back when you can't reach where it itches.
Lift you up on their shoulders.
Snore when they're sleeping (but say they don't).
Pitch—but not so fast that you can't hit their pitches.
Play tickles with you when you feel like a silly person.
Snuggle up close with you when you feel like a sad one.
Dads explain electricity
And peninsulas
And help you count the stars.

I wish I still had one. 

Viorst, Judith. 1995. Sad underwear and other complications. Illustrated by Richard Hull. New York: Atheneum Books For Young Readers. ISBN: 0-689-31929-0.

(Cry a river on the last verse).

This is a poem that I rewrite/ copy from a text book of one of my nephews. It is so relatable and I hope, everyone get the chance to love and appreciate their parents as they are still be by theirs side.

May Allah allows me and my family gathered in the highest of Jannah, amiin. I pray for you too!.


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