I miss talking so I write.

Assalamualaikum wbt. Hai.

It's final exam mood apparently where I rarely meet my friends to talk and laugh with. I just miss talking and express things out even the thing I want to talk not so important tho kekeke.

Maybe by talking with this non living thing can make a little relief. Heh.

I just noticed about the story of true love between a man and a 4 stage cancer fighter! Yah, everyone knows right!

Mr Kamal Effendi and Nik Idzlin Dalila <3

Since I knew their stories through their instagrams and blogs, I just can't stop reading and searching their captions and posts. Such inspiring!

They were so sweet maa sha Allah! and, 
There are times where I cried reading their journey. Oh how tough and strong they really are! Until the saddest part came T_T

What makes it deep in me more, every single posts they wrote never missed to mention that they are relying on Allah. Just Allah to make them through all of the struggles and tests. SubhanAllah! Very inspiring!

They inspired me to write more good things in this blog. Inspired me to be someone who can inspire other people someday. Inspired me to not so easy falling into whining. Inspired me to study harder. Inspired me to be better and better after this. 

In shaa Allah!

here's their blogs:

Forgive my English with the hiccups here and there. I just get inspired as well writing in English for sudden. heee.

p.s: I have an exam to face tomorrow, Dakwah dan Pendidikan. All the best myself!

'Till next post!


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