

 Bismillah. Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi. Satu hari tu, aku bangun pagi dan melimpasi cermin almari. Aku berhenti, memerhati setiap tekstur kulit wajah aku. Alhamdulillah, for me it's flawless (read again, for me). I smiled, what a sweet smile I have. I looked at my eyes, subhanAllah my eyes can see and it's almost dark brown in colour. Beautiful, thank you so much for these ya Allah. They're beautiful for me (read again, for me). My skin so nice, my hair's flowy, my skin tone's perfect for me (read again, for me) and ya Allah, for me, I'm beautiful!. I stared at the girl in the mirror deeply.   "Cantik dan baik macam ni pun orang boleh lari dan sanggup khianati?" Cis. I want to have a boyfriend ya Allah, I need one (haha) like the other. Their relationship work, and not for me? But, wait... the girl in the mirror as if talking back to me. This girl has been through a lot in her love life. But she woke up this morning feeling so light. Her heart doesn't...

Ain. Ila. Sarah.

 Assalamualaikum wbt. Hai! It's convocation season here in Malaysia (acah ada peminat luar negara), and I am so happy to share these beautiful photographs of me and my best uni buddies --- Sarah and Kak Ain. It's Sarah's convocation celebrating day for her master fuh! and as one of her biggest fans, I need to have exclusive and spectacular pictures together with her and to make it even more fun and memorable, there's Kak Ain too!.  It was started with the fact that, three of us didn't have any photo together when we were graduated our degree. Like, were we even best buddies in uni? like? how?. Didn't we  have shared bed, foods, pillows, funny budget trip to Pangkor with pink vans everywhere, sleepless nights struggling with assignments and all? then got not even single picture together when we were graduated???. I know! Were we even friends back then?? Crazy trio era. 2018. Since that, we never imagined that we can take pictures together again. Everyone is busy ...

Kuat Sedekad.

 Bismillah. Assalamualaikum wbt. Hai. Sepuluh tahun sudah hidup kami tanpa bapa. Ke mana masa-masa itu berlalu?, seakan tidak percaya sedekad sudah hati ini menanggung rindu yang tidak bertepian. I lost bapa when I was just 19. And I remember it all too well about the details of how I received the news of losing bapa a decade ago. If you ask, I can picture them frame by frame for you. Everything is playing on my mind reel so real. The thing about missing someone you can't see anymore in this world is, you don't want the feeling to vanish. I don't know how to tell, but missing bapa is a feeling that I don't want it to disappear. Yes, sometimes it takes a bucket of tears to deal with it, and that's sweet I might say. Pelik kan?. Sebab, bila rindu tu akan rasa macam aaa I remember bapa and I miss him extra today so gotta pray extra for bapa today wee~ Tu kita tidak cakap lagi pasal bila dapat mimpi bapa, you wake up from the dream with your pillow wet from crying but, ...

KJ 2 : A Wise Acceptance Speech from KJ

  Assalamualaikum wbt. Hai! KJ menang Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian (ABPBH) 2024 : Penyampai Radio Popular. Ya ya ya sejak KJ jadi DJ sudah jadi macam fenomena pula sebab, bekas MP kot masuk industri hiburan?. Oh well, sejujurnya aku tiada tengok pun ABPBH tu, malahan tidak tahu pun acara itu berlangsung sebab lama tidak tengok TV mainstream, sangat lama. Kitanya pasang TV tengok Netflix dan Youtube saja. Peredaran zaman kan? Anyhow, sempena kemengan KJ tersebut, amatlah membanggakan dan mengharukan apabila dalam "acceptance speech"-nya.  He said : "Never give up, percaya pada rancangan Allah. Alhamdulillah!" "Do your best, Allah will do the rest" "Do what you can, Allah will do what you can't" I take them words as a reminder for me. Sometimes, we need someone to tell and remind us about the fact that, all the things we need to do in life is, our best. And the rest, hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakeel . "Sufficient for us is All...

Level 4 over 4 #Pray4MasterSifuZafirah

  Bismillah. Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi! I'm in my semester 4 out of 4! Ya rabbi, almost there to finish this "Zafirah with yoUKM" master journey. My very first class for this semester 4 was held on 14 and 15 September 2024. But my lecturer did not make the class at that time but they did it few days after (17 & 18 Septermber 2024). The clasess were held on the day and on the night which I don't mind at all, because it was in the school break week. the table set up for my semester 4. Will  not say "pejam celik, pejam celik mahu habis sudah" nope, will not. Sebab hey kita memang rasa menderita ya meniti hari-hari menghabiskan perjalanan ini haha! Tapi tu lah, tidak sabar betul rasanya mahu habiskan apa yang sudah dimulakan pada tahun 2023 lepas. Macam biasa, musim cuti sekolah adalah musim menanda paper exam juga. Tuu tepi tu, kertas exam students lah tuuu. It's so amazing to look back on my writings in this blog about the early steps on this journey. I ...


Bismillah. Sesak dadaku wahai Tuhanku. Lemas jiwaku dibelenggu benci, pilu dan kenapa aku? Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari semua semak dan luka hatiku, Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari semua sengketa sangkaan-sangkaanku, Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari darah dan air mata perasaanku, Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari deraan emosi dan fikiranku, Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari pertikaian lancarnya kisah kasih mereka,  tapi mengapa tidak pada jalanku? Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari segala pembohongan dan tersalah percaya. Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari meragui rencana-rencanaMu Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari kesedihan-kesedihan yang memudar senyum dan tawaku. Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, dari letih yang membunuhku. Bebaskanku wahai Tuhanku, untuk kembaliku bersimpuh, menadah dan menaruh, agar sepenuhnya dapatku sembuh. Amiin, ya Tuhanku. Allah Yang Satu.

Second Last Semester of #ZafirahWithYoukm

 Assalamualaikum wbt. Heyyo?. I'm in my 3rd out of 4 semester for #Pray4MasterSifuZafirah. I've finished semester 3 with... Died dead. Haha! Semester 3 rasa panjang gila. Semakin sikit semester perlu dihabiskan, semakin sakit pula dibuatnya.  Orang selalu cakap "It's okay sikit lagi". and I said Nope, don't lie to me. Dia memanglah sikit mahu habis tapi, baaaaaanyak sangat perlu dibuat. Berbakul-bakul assignments. Jenis orangnya pula malas lipat baju, jadi bayangkanlah menggunung seperti apa bakul tugasan yang perlu aku segera-siapkan?. Memang aku fikir aku sudah mati dalam putus asa, syukur Alhamdulillah, masih bernafas sehingga ke-klik-an penghantaran assignment terakhir. Drama betul bunyinya kan?. Semester 3 ini bermula pada bulan 25 Februari - 3 Mac 2024 untuk pertemuan pertama dan saya ada menulis tentangnya di  SINI . Kemudian, diteruskan lagi untuk pertemuan kedua iaitu pada 25 Mei - 2 Jun 2024. Pertemuan kedua untuk semester 3 ini dibuka dengan perginy...