Kuat Sedekad.
Bismillah. Assalamualaikum wbt. Hai. Sepuluh tahun sudah hidup kami tanpa bapa. Ke mana masa-masa itu berlalu?, seakan tidak percaya sedekad sudah hati ini menanggung rindu yang tidak bertepian. I lost bapa when I was just 19. And I remember it all too well about the details of how I received the news of losing bapa a decade ago. If you ask, I can picture them frame by frame for you. Everything is playing on my mind reel so real. The thing about missing someone you can't see anymore in this world is, you don't want the feeling to vanish. I don't know how to tell, but missing bapa is a feeling that I don't want it to disappear. Yes, sometimes it takes a bucket of tears to deal with it, and that's sweet I might say. Pelik kan?. Sebab, bila rindu tu akan rasa macam aaa I remember bapa and I miss him extra today so gotta pray extra for bapa today wee~ Tu kita tidak cakap lagi pasal bila dapat mimpi bapa, you wake up from the dream with your pillow wet from crying but,